How to uninstall Focus me when it is locked or when forced mode is on ?

Did you get locked in Focus me app when using it??? I was also once locked in focus me and didn't know what to do that's why I found the solution and here I am...

If you are also stuck in focus me then this article is for you......

Contents in this article :

Uninstalling / exiting Focus me in basic way :

You can't exit focus me when it is running....If you didn't change settings of focus me into complicated like disabling uninstalling methods then you can be able to break focus me...

  1. One can exit out of Focus me by right-clicking in system tray as shown in figure below..
System tray : Source

2. When you tried to uninstall focus me if the plan is still going on then you will get this type of message...

Message of focus me Un-Installation / source

3. Then the only way to exit out of focus me is exiting all plans!!

Let's say above example is not the case for you then you need to follow these steps if your plan is under force mode...👇👇👇

Uninstalling Focus me when your plan is under force mode :

If you enabled Block task manager, Block command prompt, Disable command prompt scripts, Blocked date and time changing, Blocked W10 pc settings, protect uninstall.....Then there is only one way to uninstall focus me...

Focus me

The below process is possible only if you didn't enable 3rd party startup cleaners.

Installing 3rd party startup cleaners like iobit uninstaller, ccleaner,etc..

1.) Install iobit uninstaller

Iobit Uninstaller

2.) Uninstall focus me app

3.) Then restart your pc

[note: If you want to stop using this method block all uninstalling websites so that you can't uninstall or enable protect 3rd party startup cleaners]

If the above method also didn't work for you then this is the final way to solve your problem or else you need to reset your entire PC completely...

Final method if above methods didn't work for you  :

  1. Open control panel
Windows control panel / source

2. Go to all control panel items..

All control panel items / source

3. Go to recovery settings

Recovery settings windows 10 / source 

4. Go to open system restore..and this will pop up...

System restore pop up windows 10 / source

5. Then choose a restore point and that will able to make you go back to what it was before installation....

Let's say that also didn't work for you then what to do??? Don't worry there is another way!!!!

  1. As soon as you start your PC press esc
  2. Then press F11
  3. It will take you to the advance startup options..
Advance startup options for windows 10 / source

Then you can choose to whether use system restore / command prompt / going back to previous build.....

4 Ways to Hack the FocusMe App When Locked in or Forced Mode is Enabled | Hacker Noon
In this article, I will briefly talk about the following 4 ways to uninstall or exit out of the FocusMe app when you are locked in:
Republished at hackernoon..
4 Ways to Hack the FocusMe App When Locked in or Forced Mode is Enabled - Tips Loves
@ananddvnAnand DvnWrites blogs and a student.In this article, I will briefly talk about the following 4 ways to uninstall or exit out of the FocusMe app
I didn't even apply but they republished it / Republished in Tips loves 
4 Ways to Hack the FocusMe App When Locked in or Forced Mode is Enabled
I didn't apply for this one too / republished in rootdaemon

Conclusion :

  1. Did you find any mistakes in this post ??
  2. Need to add new points / missing some points ??
  3. Having doubts in this article ??
  4. Not working ??

If you find anything happening as mentioned in above points 1/2/3/4 feel free to comment...